Clever B2B pricing as a yield turbo
B2B prices for significant increases in returns
For B2B companies with large product ranges, many customers and a high number of individual offers, there are opportunities for returns.
The less comparable the offers are, the greater the scope for implementing customer-specific B2B prices and exploiting profit opportunities. Because if a customer has shown a higher willingness to pay, it is possible:
- Carry out selective price increases in marginal product ranges
- Launch targeted up-selling and cross-selling initiatives
- Recognize impending customer churn at an early stage
But transparency about willingness to pay has another major benefit:
Sales employees represent price demands with more conviction and assertiveness.
In our experience, it makes a big difference whether salespeople justify price increases apologetically with company requirements or whether they communicate them with conviction and self-confidence. This is what happens when salespeople are convinced that the price is appropriate for the quality and service. UNEX offers a Power BI-based tool and a methodology that systematically optimizes B2B prices and can thus increase the return on investment of B2B companies. Get in touch with us.
About the author
Benno ist Mitgründer von UNEX Management Consulting. Er hat die Hälfte seines Berufslebens in der Einzelhandels- und Konsumgüterberatung und die andere Hälfte in der Airline-Beratung verbracht. Die Anwendung von Preis- und Vertriebskonzepten aus der einen Branche auf die andere verbindet seine beiden Fachgebiete und macht Benno zu einem gefragten Experten für marktorientierte Themen.
Let’s talk +49 (40) 822 16 855

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